COINSOG stands for the Counter Insurgency Studies and Observation Group. Years ago the members starting tracking and cataloging various highly criminal activities numerous individuals in the government were participating in, yet no one was even investigating or obviously not even trying to indict or prosecute them. Sadly, it kept getting worse and one of the few things that most of us believe Donald Trump got right, was to call it the “Swamp” or Deep State as many others refer to it.
They, the Federal bureaucracy, both elected and appointed, have been literally using the taxpayers money, now over $6 trillion annually, to buy good and services from a plethora of private company most of which is not needed. From Vaccines to voting machines to nuclear subs to prison telephone systems. It’s not that some of the goods and services aren’t needed, it’s that we could probably get by with less then 1/5 of what is spent today, meaning $5 trillion of the over $6 trillion annual budget is unnecessary and this would allow us to substantially reduce the overall taxes to the majority, even abolish the income tax. Did you know that there are over 120 different taxes and regulatory fees feeding the swampsters at the various levels of government and the Federal government has now gone over $30 trillion in debt and many State governments have massive level of debt as well.
The current system is literally bankrupting our entire society as the less the 1% keeps getting richer.
Now here the key. It’s the less than 1% that runs the show, and the billionaires lined up in support of both sides of the aisle is disturbing. Don’t get me wrong many politicians and bureaucrats are complicit, buy the system wheels are being monetarily greased by the investment class who own many of the stocks of the companies profiting from the government contracts. Go figure Right?
To do this to this degree, they had to set aside various constitutional clauses which allowed them to usurp (take away) the rights, property and money from the majority.
Now here is the gest of the group’s mission. The politicians and appointed bureaucrats take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights and many of them have broken their oaths which is by the real definition an “insurrection”. According to the Constitution and case law, the Citizens have a right to stop this.
In the next post we will be supplying the specific details from the Constitution and other legal sources and how we see it all playing out.